Question 1

Which adverse effects would the nurse NOT expect to observe in a patient receiving a narcotic analgesic?

A) Urine Retention
B) Constipation
C) Hypoglycemia
D) Hyperglycemia

Question 2

Which of the following observations by the nurse indicates an adverse effect of naloxone (Narcan) on the patient?

A) Hypotension
B) Bradycardia
C) Tremors
D) Increased urine output

Question 3

The nurse is caring for a patient who has had a chest tube inserted and connected to a portable water-seal drainage system. The nurse determines that the drainage system is functioning properly when he observes which one of the following?

A) A dependent loop in the tubing
B) Continuous bubbling in the suction chamber and intermittent in the water-seal chamber
C) Tubing is clamped at most proximal point to patient
D) Drainage system placed on table next to patient

Question 4

The nurse enters the room of a patient who has a chest tube attached to a water-seal drainage system and notices that the chest tube is dislodged from the chest. What is the priority nursing intervention?:

A) Notify the physician
B) Insert a new chest tube
C) Cover the insertion site with petroleum gauze
D) Instruct the patient to breath deeply until the physician arrives

Question 5

A 73-year-old has fallen and broken his eighth rib on his right side. The nurse should include which of the following in this patient’s plan of care?:

A) Bind the patient’s chest with a 6-inch Ace bandage
B) Keep the patient on bed rest for 6 days
C) Encourage the patient to use his incentive spirometer and cough and deep breathing exercises hourly
D) Administer large doses of a narcotic analgesic so the patient will be more comfortable and fully participate in his pulmonary care.